14 Best Linux Distros For Programming and Developers
Linux is the operating system that most developers and hackers use. There might be better choices for regular users, though. Linux is a more useful OS that was made with programmers and programmers in mind. There are more than 600 Linux distributions, so even experienced users should be able to find the right one for their present project easily. Linux distributions are all built on the same source code, but they can be very different from one another. Here is a list of the best Linux distributions for developers.
Linux is an operating system for computers that works a lot like Unix. It is mainly made up of free and open-source software. Since November 2017, most supercomputers have been running Linux. It is also the most popular operating system for servers and other extensive iron systems like mainframe computers and large university clusters. One of the best-known examples of free and open-source software developers working together is on Linux. Usually, anyone can use, change, and share the source code that makes up software.
Linux has a reputation for being used mainly by coders and programmers. However, over the last 20 years, steps have been taken to make versions of Linux easier for regular users to use. For example, these versions have more of a graphical user interface (GUI) and depend less on the command line.
Best Linux Distros For Programming & Developers
Security researchers and network managers often use Linux as their operating system. Windows and Mac OS X are a lot like it, but it is faster and more customizable. This is the main reason why most businesses run their computers and apps on Linux OS. For those who have never used Linux before, here are some significant
1. Tails
Tails OS emphasizes user safety and privacy. It routes internet data using the private Tor network. The OS also has a simple user design, making it easy to use. That’s why it’s only possible to steal or look at information with permission.
2. Open SUSE
This is a better version of the SUSE Linux distribution that was already out there. It’s mostly for developers and system managers. Because of this, it has an excellent security system with strict rules. You can also make your version of the OS with it.
3. Kali Linux
Kali Linux could be the best Linux distribution for good hackers who want to test different networks for security holes. Its best feature is that it already has many tools.
The tools are great for both programmers and good hackers. Learning to use Linux commands will make it easy.
4. Manjaro
Arch is a powerful distribution that lets you make your environment. But running the distro is known for being very hard. If you use Manjaro Linux, you can skip the startup process and still get the most out of Arch. It’s easy to set up and manage an Arch-based system with Manjaro because it comes with a bunch of custom tools and applications.
5. Ubuntu
People of all skill levels use Ubuntu, from those who are new to Linux to those who have been using it for years. The Ubuntu Long Term Support (LTS) release gives coders a stable place to work on their projects that they don’t have to update every six months. In fact, the Android Open Source Project uses Ubuntu to build source files. The latest versions of Ubuntu are often used to test the Android build. The official website of the distro has a lot of tutorials, guides, and other tools that are meant to show off how well the distro can develop and program.
6. Puppy Linux
Puppy Linux is a minimal distribution that comes in different versions built on Slackware and Ubuntu. The OS is so small that it can run entirely on RAM, which makes it very quick and responsive. You can also connect the distribution to your hard drive. Even though it’s small, Puppy is the best at working right out of the box. The distribution comes with apps and tools that can do almost anything you can do on a desktop.
7. Arch Linux
Most popular Linux distributions have either a graphical or curse-based installation. Arch, on the other hand, only gives you this set of scripts:
It comes with a setup disc that includes tools like pacstrap, genfstab, and arch-chroot to help you set up your system. Pacstrap takes the mount point you choose and the packages you install and adds a simple system hierarchy to them. Genfstab makes a fstab file based on the volumes currently mounted under the given root mount. It mounts proc, dev, and other volumes on the new system, so you can keep setting things up.
8. Fedora
Fedora is a very famous distribution that comes in a lot of different editions and spins. These include the server edition, the desktop workstation edition, and the IoT edition. People who are new to Linux and want to try something other than Debian or Ubuntu are often told to try Fedora.
It looks a lot like Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and CentOS, two of the most popular server versions. Many people use Fedora as their main OS and as a way to get to Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and CentOS.
9. CentOS
CentOS is a form of Red Hat Linux made for businesses. CentOS is more stable than other Linux distributions and is, therefore, more reliable.
If you like the Fedora distribution and are happy with it, you can turn to CentOS. It works great for writing, and you can use Xen virtualization to make apps as well.
10. Debian GNU/Linux
When it comes to Linux OS, Debian is one of the best. It’s also called the developer’s operating system since it comes with many different packages. You can also find guides that will help you improve your use of this OS. When it comes to steadiness, it works great with all machines. It’s also helpful in that way. However, Debian isn’t the best choice for people who are new to Linux because it can be hard to understand.
11. Pop!_OS
System76, an American company that makes Linux hardware, announced in 2017 that it would be releasing a modified version of Ubuntu-based Linux called Pop!_OS. After Ubuntu chose to get rid of its desktop environment, Unity, the company switched to the already popular GNOME desktop environment. They have now created their desktop environment, which they are calling COSMIC. It is built on GNOME but has extra features. Also, that GNOME base will soon be changed to a COSMIC written in Rust, which is very different.
12. Linux Mint
Don’t think that Mint can’t be used for development just because it looks simple. There are many great things about Mint, but one of the best is its software store and Windows-like interface, which may make writers who have been using Windows since they started writing code feel more at ease. When it comes to the software store, Mint doesn’t have any strict rules like Ubuntu does. You can run any app in any way you want, except for Snaps, which Mint developers removed from the system a long time ago. Overall, Mint is a sound system for people who are new to development and want to make sure to see Windows well after moving.
13. Fedora Linux
Fedora Workstation is marketed as a Linux distribution for developers, but it also has many tools for more experienced users. This is the correct version for you if you like to play around with your tools. Fedora has a lot to offer both advanced developers and casual users. It has an open-source utility box and a stylish GNOME desktop experience. Fedora’s COPR files are great for building and testing code and hosting projects. You can improve your testing by setting up virtual machines, which allow you to run your tests in a safe, private space that doesn’t affect the rest of your machine’s programs.
14. Raspberry Pi OS
Raspberry Pi OS, which used to be called Raspbian, is a full-featured Linux distribution designed for pocket-sized computers, which have become very famous very quickly. Raspberry Pi OS includes BlueJ, Geany, Python, Greenfoot, Mathematica, Node-RED, Scratch, and other computer languages, which speeds up the process. Because of these tools, it’s also an excellent Linux OS for learning how to program embedded devices.