Get Your Product Reviewed

We will provide a detailed analysis of your product to our readers. If you want to us review your website then email us at [email protected]

What to Send

For Reviews to deliver the most relevant information to its users, the products we review should be the exact same products our audience can purchase, including product specifications, manuals, documentation, drivers, software, and accessories.  This also applies to pre-release products and/or products under NDA.  It is imperative to notify us if any aspect of your product is pre-release or beta.

You also should include:

A press kit
PR contact information
Technical specifications, if relevant
Technical contacts, if relevant
Return shipping information, including shipping labels and RMA information
All laptops and desktops must include either a full-system-restore partition or restore disc(s)
How to Submit Products for Review runs the most comprehensive and thorough consumer electronics reviews site on the Web.  The best way to get your product reviewed is to pitch it, via e-mail, to the right editor.  When pitching your product, be sure to include the following:

Availability status (it can be in development but needs to be a product that will reach consumers soon)
Carrier (if applicable)
Status of review models
Product photos
Basic specs

If we determine that your product fits our coverage plan, we’ll ask you to send it to us.

What We Do with Your Products

Whether we request your product or you send it to us unsolicited, we cannot guarantee it will be reviewed, as not every product fits into our planning and editorial mission.  In most cases, we will keep your product for approximately 60 days, though exceptions may be made, if necessary.  You can expect your product to go through a rigorous, impartial, review process, overseen by our expert Reviews staff.  Many product categories are tested by Labs, using in-depth and objective testing methods.  A product review can range from a mention in our gadget blog, Crave, a First Look video, or a full review.  Most product reviews include photographs of the product; many reviews also include a product video featuring an overview of the product as presented by a editor.  When we are finished reviewing your product, we will return it to you.

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